How we work together
So you’ve decided to take that single step – what now?
Well first, we’ll have an informal conversation on the phone where we can discuss how I can support you in helping you to achieve improved health.
Once we have agreed a date for your initial consultation I will email you over a pre-consultation form to fill in as well as a food diary.
What is the pre-consultation form?
You’ll be happy to hear it’s not as complicated as it might sound.
Apart from providing me with your general contact information, this form:
- gives me a good picture of your medical history,
- gives me an understanding of any supplements or medication that you might be taking
- gives you the chance to clarify what you are hoping to achieve (don’t worry if you’re not 100% sure on this one, it isn’t a test!)
All of these are things I need to consider when providing you with a nutrition plan.
What’s the food diary for and why do I need one?
The food diary gives an indication of the types of food you currently eat.
There may be some things in your present diet that might not be helping you, so knowing this in advance will help me to see where we can look to introduce possible alternatives where necessary.
Sometimes even just changing the way you cook something can help.
You can also include foods you dislike so that I know to avoid them in your suggested nutrition plan. The more I know the better.
By filling these forms in and sending back to me before our first meeting, it allows you to complete them as accurately as possible with no time pressures.
What happens during our first meeting?
Our first meeting will be a two-hour session.
During hour 1 we will discuss:
- Your reasons for your seeking my help.
- Your previous medical history.
- Any medication or supplements you may be taking.
During hour 2, I will:
- Pull your treatment plan together
- Run through the plan with you
- Answer any questions you may have.
For more complex consultations (for example if you are on a number of different medications) I may give you a brief plan to get you started and then follow up with a more detailed plan after carrying out some further research.
What happens afterwards?
You’ll leave with a personalised nutritional food plan which will aim to help you achieve whatever goals you may have (weight loss, improved performance etc) or help you with any issues you may be experiencing.
The main thing for you to do is to try and start following the plan as soon as possible, and most of all….enjoy it!
After our first meeting I will be available via email or telephone if you have any further questions prior to your recommended follow up appointment.
The follow-up allows us both to review your personalised plan and discuss how you feel everything is going, as well as check on progress against your goals.
I will then assess your nutritional plan and if necessary, adjust it accordingly.
This will be a one-hour session
Do I have to have a follow up?
It does make the most sense to have a follow-up. There might be parts of the nutritional plan that you really like and would prefer more of, or there might be some recommended foods that you don’t get on with. Having a follow-up meeting allows us to discuss this properly and make changes to the plan so that it’s one that not only helps you, but that you enjoy following.
It’s also the best opportunity to make any changes to the plan and see how well it is working for you.
In some cases you may require additional follow-ups but this is something that we will discuss if necessary – some people prefer to have that extra bit of support but it certainly it isn’t something that should be expected or seen as an obligation. Whether you have any follow-up or not will always be your choice and we will work together to do what is best for you.
How we work together – options
The first time we discuss your requirements and how I can help you, will be on the phone. Following this, the best way to have our initial meeting is face to face. By meeting together, not only does it allow us to get to know each other better, but we are focussed on the topic at hand – namely how improved nutrition can help you. It also means that we are free from any distractions, whether that’s a busy work schedule or children demanding your time and attention (normally my biggest challenge!).
However, I understand that it might not be easy to have an initial face to face meeting for many reasons, and although I truly believe it’s the best way to proceed, it needn’t be the only way.
It is possible to hold consultations via Skype and this is something we can discuss when we first talk if it’s something that you would like to consider.
Although all of our meetings would be best face to face, follow-ups are also possible via Skype as I understand it can be a challenge to get time in a busy schedule to do this – and I’d like to make this as easy as I can for you.
How much does this all cost?
Our initial meeting which will last approx. 2 hours will be £70.00
This will cover our discussions, preparation work and supporting investigations I will need to carry out in order to create your personalised nutrition plan. You will receive a copy of the plan at the end of the initial meeting.
In the case of more complicated requirements, this will also cover any further investigation I might need to carry out following your initial food plan.
Follow-up meetings will be £40.00.
This covers the hour-long session itself and any additional support that may be required or amendments to the plan.
Payments are requested to be made by cash in person or bank transfer in advance.